3,000 new jobs opening up at Union Coop...

The government-owned hypermarket operator Union Cooperative is set to embark on a major expansion by opening new hypermarkets, foraying into convenience stores and nearly doubling its existing employees, a senior company official said.
Khaled Al Falasi, General Manager of Union Coop, told Emirates 24|7in Dubai that the company will be investing more than Dh2 billion in the next five years to open eight hypermarkets, out of which three will be malls.
The company will also foray into convience stores and aims to open 300 of them across the UAE,Al Falasi said.
The company is going to nearly double its number of employees to 6,000 from existing 3,200, he said, adding that Emiratisation makes up nearly 40 per cent, excluding blue-collar workers.

“We’re also going to launch convenience stores in the UAE from the beginning of next year in partnership with another government department with the first outlet slated to open in Al Mizhar.
“We’ll introduce these convenience stores near mosques; these are not just going to be convenience store, but also a pick-up point from where you can collect items ordered at Union Coop. We’ll be looking at opening 300 shops,” Al Falasi told this website.


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