Well, it's definitely cosy! Britain's smallest home sells for £275,000 - despite being only 188 sq ft (and the front door's under the bed)

The pint-sized property in Islington, north London, is a fifth of the size of the average new build but still crams in an open-plan kitchen, living area, bathroom and bedroom. Described by estate agents as 'unique', the cosy home - which has its front door underneath the bed - went on sale for £275,000 last month and has now been snapped up after receiving an astonishing amount of interest. The house is on the highly sought-after Richmond Avenue, one street away from Tony Blair's former house on Richmond Crescent, and the new owners will be forced to walk across the kitchen worktop before balancing on narrow steps, to make it to the 7ft 7ins x 5ft 8ins airborne 'bedroom'.


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