He Was Rejected By A Rich Man's Daughter Because He Was Too Poor.10 Years Later They Meet Again

When it comes to relationships, people choose their significant other for many different reasons. Most people look for someone that can make them laugh, someone that shares similar values and outlooks on world issues, someone that they can talk to, and someone that makes them happy. However, some people are more concerned with superficial things such as how much a potential partner earns. Personally, I would never choose a mate based on their earning potential, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. 
In this story, which has been making it's rounds on the internet, a young woman rejects a man based solely on the fact that he doesn't make enough money. Later in life they run into each other, and the woman -- who is still in the same mindset -- makes a startling discovery about the man she turned down...
"A poor boy was in love with a rich man’s daughter. Overcome with his love for the girl, the boy proposed to her. However, the rich girl derisively rejected him and said, “Your monthly salary is equivalent to my daily expenses. How do you expect me to marry someone like you? I can never love you so forget about me. Go find and marry someone else of your level.” 
Of course, he was hurt, but he moved on with his life. Roughly 10 years later, they ran into each other accidentally in a shopping mall.
She immediately recognized the man and said:
“Hey, how are you? I’m now married to a very smart man, and his salary is $15,700 per month! Can you beat that?”
The man look visibly upset but before the man could respond, the lady’s wealthy husband returned.

He Was Rejected By A Rich Man's Daughter Because He Was Too Poor.10 Years Later They Meet Again“Sir? G-good afternoon! I see you’ve met my wife!” 
The man replied:
“Good afternoon too, Mr…?”
“Mr. Carter, Sir!” 
The husband then turned to his wife and said,
“Dear, I’d like you to meet my boss. He owns the $100 million company I work for!”
The man who had been rejected 10 years earlier stood and smiled. A few moments later he said:
I must go now. I wish you all the best for the future and it was lovely to see you both.
The lady stood flabbergasted and the pair stared at the man as he left the mall. She then turned to her husband and said:
The husband responded:
Yes, dear. He is a wonderful man but his life is quite a sad story. He once told me, the love of his life dumped him as he wasn’t earning enough money. Because of this he worked really hard and has turned himself into a multi-millionaire business man. But he couldn’t move on from the heartache and is still unmarried.
How lucky would that lady have been if she had married that man?
The lady looked in total shock and couldn’t even mutter a single word."


  1. A Poem for Dignity and Pride :
    Never Lose Your Dignity And Self-Respect
    Trying to Make People Love & Appreciate You.
    When they just are not willing to.
    Like the moon her kindness is,
    If kindness I may call.
    What has no comprehension in it.
    But is the same for all.
    As though my sorrow were a scene
    Upon a painted wall.
    So ,Like a bit of stone I lie.
    Under a broken tree.
    I could recover if I shrieked
    My heart’s Agony .
    To passing a bird,but I am dumb.
    From Human Dignity.
    Human Dignity is more Precious
    Than Prestige .
    Its better to lose with honesty and dignity
    Than win by cheating .
    If roses grow in Heaven,
    Lord Please Pick a bunch for me ,
    Place them in my Mother’s Arms.
    And tell her they are from me .
    Dignity and pride two little words we say
    Yet we each and every one of us .
    Expect to find them
    Every single day.
    Sometimes when you are feeling low,
    With little self –esteem.
    Those two words can be very elusive .
    You all know what I mean.
    When you help me through the day
    And in my hour of need.
    If we work closely as a team .
    I am sure we will succeed .
    When you help me through the day
    As we work side by side .
    With your friendly help and caring smile .
    You can help me keep my dignity and pride .
    So when you are helping others.
    As we do from day to day .
    Always be Supportive.
    With the things you do and say.
    With all our tasks and service users
    Working side by side .
    Always keep in mind
    Their Dignity and pride .
    Life is beautiful ,
    But don’t forget that any beauty has
    Its own complexities .
    So we all are beautiful and making life more complicated .
    Because of our complex nature.
    God created every single person
    For a Reason ,
    So ,Donot make life complicated by your complex nature
    Instead Let’s Make Him Proud that He Create such a wonderful creation .
    I have realized something,
    You cannot Let yourself love others ,
    Unless you learn to love yourself .
    For such a long time ,
    I was the deepest reasoning ,
    For all my pain and sadness.
    But I have found love in my own self
    A True Pride I have never to lose .
    Because to feel the way I did .
    So many months ago .
    Is a way I never want to feel again.
    By Aliza Kashmala Kiran (Aliza Mukhtiar)
    Copyright © Aliza Kashmala Kiran

    Heidi Sands
    Date: 8/20/2017 6:48:00 AM
    Aliza, this is a very important poem with a significant message beyond words. Everyone should read this. It is filled with truth and wisdom. Well done 🙂

    Fields are won By Those Who Believe in Winning.
    Miss Aliza Mukhtiar Khan(22nd November 1982) starts writing poetry with Nick Name “Aliza Kashmala Kiran”.She is Famous decent,out standing,down to earth Pakistani poetess.she is a voluntary English Poetess & Author of many Islamic books as well as Medical science articles too.Her poetry reflect every aspect of life from Romanticism to character based poetry.she likes nature too much.she remain positive towards life.she completed her education from high profile institutions of Pakistan.Beside all these,she is best house keeping girl .she is government employ also.MashAllah.
    Islamic Books :
    She writes Three Islamic book on voluntary basis to clear the wrong concept of people about our true religion islam.And many short articles about medical sciences to increase the true knowledge of people about islam and medical sciences.
    Her first book name is
    1.How to Perform Salah
    2.And second book name is (A True guide about Death And Graves).
    Her books are available free on social media.
    Nowadays she is translating or doing a tafseer of Holy Quran.InshAllah she will complete it with God Will as soon as Possible.
    Brief introduction of her family:
    Her father was Late and Retired Squadron Leader in Pakistan Air Force.He was Aeronautical Engineer in Mechanical Field plus science graduate(B.sc). He was good father,husband,brother and son also.so he left Paf early,& joined NED university of Engineering & Technology as Professor of Mechanical Department.Her mom Alive Allhamduillah and she is also well educated and family oriented woman(House Wife).she is M.A & B.A Economics from university of Karachi.
    Aliza have one brother and 2 sisters including her.Elder brother is Graduate in Mass communication,married,with one daughter and his wife.Then Elder sister Professional degree holder Electrical Engineer,married with MBBS, Doctor Hubby MashAllah.
    Then youngest one is the Aliza Kashmala Kiran,her self,she is never married (officially single)girl.she have Done M.sc & B.sc (hons) in Biochemistry from university of Karachi in first class first division.she belongs to noble,well qualified,Yousaf zai khan urdu speaking Family.she is Alahadis Muslim By her belief of Islam.
    We want a future best success for her.Ameen.

  3. www.poetrysoup.com

    Search My Poems
    By Name:Aliza Kashmala Kiran.
    2.Promise Yourself.
    3.Pakistan Independence Day Poem
    4.The Beauty of Friendship.
    5.Outstanding Personality
    7.I have Power to conquer the whole universe
    8.Everlasting Hope.
    9.The Mystery of Love.
    10.Bold Determination.
    11.I Miss You.
    12.Never Give Up.
    13.God Bless You.
    14.Galactic Soup.
    15.Leaves Talking.
    16.To Live A Happy Life.
    18.A Poem for Dignity and Pride.
    19.Outstanding Personality
    20.Future plan
    21.The Beauty and the beast.
    22.Mother is the Best
    23.My Own Choice Soulmate
    24.Be a Soulmate of Pure Soul
    25.Reality About Life
    26.A Special Love
    27.A Life Time Promise
    28.My First Love
    30.Until we meet again
    31.Respect 2
    32.Respect 1
    33.Humanity 2
    34.Humanity 1
    35.Difference between Love of Real men and fake men
    36.Stay Positive
    38.Inner Beauty

    Best Regards
    Aliza Mukhtiar(Aliza Kashmala Kiran),Voluntary English Poetess Of Pakistan

    ( Halal Nikkah Everlasting Marriage)
    If you want something to last Forever,
    You treat it differently.
    You shield it and protect it.
    You never abuse it.
    You don’t expose it to the elements.
    You don’t make it common or ordinary.
    If it ever becomes tarnished,
    You lovingly polish it.
    Until it gleams like new.
    It becomes Special.
    Because you have made it so,
    And it grows
    More Beautiful and precious
    As time goes by.
    Same As the way,
    When GOD created the love of one person to another.
    He knew that this to be true for us.
    The time we met and got marry is a gift in my life
    Just for me only,God created you.
    All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making love.
    Good battle is objective and honest - never vicious or cruel.
    Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principles of equal partnership.
    I Will be the warrior to fight for our love,
    We will fly together ,fly higher that the Dove,
    I Will be yours ,save you from dangers
    I will take all the Pain,form you, to me they are no stronger.
    You will be the Queen in the Kingdom of my Heart.
    And then I will be the king so we will never be apart.
    You will be my Majesty,I will serve you forever,
    And for all the times ,I will leave you never.
    When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody
    So you propose her and drop a direct proposal request to her parents through proper channel(through her elders)
    So I propose you first.
    Will You Marry Me
    Forever in my heart,
    is where you will be,
    Nobody else will Enter,
    Because you have the only Key.
    Will You Marry Me ?
    Will You Marry Me?
    Decent Marriage Proposal By English Voluntary Poetess of Pakistan to Someone Special to her Pure Heart and Pure Soul
    Miss Aliza Mukhtiar (Miss Aliza Kashmala Kiran)


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