Dubai ranks 16th among world's 28 leading innovation-driven cities

Dubai has achieved the ranked 16th place out of the 28 peer global cities which are currently considered the most prominent players in the field of innovation and creativity, registering an innovation rate of 39.14%. Dubai has also progressed to 11th place in the world for efficiency in innovation outputs, according to Dubai Chamber's Innovation Index.
The report, released the Dubai Chamber, revealed the results of the first edition of the Dubai Innovation Index, introduced last year by the chamber as part of its strategy to stimulate innovation and global practices in the private sector, while it also announced the second edition of the index, the results of which will be declared during Innovation Week in November 2017.
The chamber will survey more than 57,000 companies from a variety of sectors in Dubai based on the recommendations of the first cycle of the index, which is developed in cooperation with PricewaterhouseCoopers, PwC.
The report shows that Dubai scores above its average for Government, an indication that the government of Dubai is leading the march of innovation in the emirate while developing the right environment for innovation. The private sector’s focus is on performance and its preference for long-term strategies to promote innovation.
The report shows Dubai’s leadership in the field of output and performance, particularly in the launch of new products and services and outputs of technology. The report shows that intellectual property and opportunities for collaboration with institutions and economies for scientific work have emerged as areas for improvement, as did the subject of co-operation between public and private sectors.
According to the results, Dubai's benchmark for innovation is in line with the outcome of the Global Innovation Index 2016 which shows the strengths of the emirate in infrastructure and information technology.


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