the king of saudi arabia gifted a toilet made completely from gold to his daughter on her wedding worth $ 3,00,00,000

This story was spread all over social media of  the king of saudi arabia  gifted a toilet made completely from gold to his daughter on her wedding plus a dress full of gold worth thousand dollars  this money can help a whole region in africa

this golden toilet is a limited edition was made only for king and rich people I don't know what the point of this 900-pound solid gold toilet is but I know I want one for my future living room (the imaginary one where I'm filthy rich). luxury life as it's best 

While gold prices are at all time high, a king in Saudi Arabia has given the most expensive wedding gift to his daughter. also Saudi Arab king family spend $ 3,00,00,000 for his daughter Marriage Dress. She looks like a pyramid...!
In Indian money value INR 1,80,00,00,00,000
180 crore for dress itself! Fully made up of Gold.
In 2014, Forbes estimated his and his immediate family's documentable wealth at US$21 billion. He has been named as the most influential Muslim among 500 Muslims for the past 4 years.
He has had over 11 wives and has fathered more than 16 children.

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  1. مساء الخير, أنا أريد أن أطلب أنا بحاجة إلى المال لا إلى العثور على متبرع لي أن أعطي المال من أجل الصالح الرجاء مساعدتي

  2. مساء الخير, أنا أريد أن أطلب أنا بحاجة إلى المال لا إلى العثور على متبرع لي أن أعطي المال من أجل الصالح الرجاء مساعدتي

  3. This absolutely not true. As you know how arabs dress and the man in video is dressing different. Plus, the women clothes I thinks they look some how as an Asians. Furthermore, the King of Saudi Arabia King Salman is a humble person in which he's far to make these stuff. Finally, Saudi Arabia, is spending Billions of Dollars on charities all over the world!

    Don't listen to whom trying to make lie about others for some reason.

    تمرين التعليق رأساً على عقب على الحائط! اجلس على ساق واحدة وقم بتمارين الضغط بذيلك. لا حاجة إلى عضوية في صالة الألعاب الرياضية، فالجدار هو صالة الألعاب الرياضية، والحشرات هي مخفوق البروتين الخاص بها!


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