I am writing this letter to you to show you how broken, alone, damaged, and melancholic you are!

I am writing this letter to you to show you how broken, alone, damaged, and melancholic you are! I am writing this letter to show you how hope kills you. And I am writing this letter to tell you why you shouldn't give up on your hope.

You and only you are responsible for whichever conditions you are in - broken, alone, damaged, and melancholic. You are the one to snatch your happiness away from you. You are the one to break and kill yourself. You were better off, what you were years back. Forget years, you were better off what you were 2-3 months back. No feelings. No feelings, no love, no attachments. Nothing. You always knew it would destroy you. Still, you went for it. You went with it. So, tell me, can you blame her for this condition of yours? No, you can't. You know, you're broken in a way beyond repair. You know, you are alone more than you ever were. Just go and sit in front of a mirror and try to look at yourself. You will know how broken and alone you are. You know, melancholy has taken over you in a way that you can't see anything. Except the tears that flow down your eyes.

She'd warned you about the repercussions of what you are getting into. She'd warned you where it would take you. She'd warned you what it'd do to you. She'd warned you about everything. You knew that you were already broken and damaged to a great extent. Yet, you went for it. You know, why? No? Because of the hope - the hope inside you. You very well knew that there is none for you. As of yet, no. And there doesn't seem to be any. Not anytime soon. You thought your hope was healing you. Did you even realise a bit that it was destroying you? Did you even realise that it was tearing you apart? No, you didn't. Or wait, maybe you did. Maybe, you were aware. But maybe, you were too blind to see. Or maybe too ignorant to accept it. You see, this is how hope kills you - slowly and slowly. And do you have any idea of what you are now? No? Let me tell you. Now, you are just like the scattered pieces of a broken glass - difficult to mould and make it whole. Unless and until someone melts those pieces and rebuild the glass all over again.

But. But. But. My dear, this doesn't mean that you give up on your hope. No, you mustn't. Never ever give up on it. If it has the power to destroy you, it has the power to construct you as well. It has the power to raise you as well, and it has the power to set you up as well. Maybe, one day, you will again meet her while scrolling down the comment section of a random post on Facebook. Or maybe, one day, you will again meet her while sitting and sipping a cup of coffee in a cafeteria. Or maybe, one day, you will again meet her while munching popcorn, drinking Pepsi, and watching movie in a multiplex. And maybe, just maybe, that day she will fall in love with you all over again. And maybe, there will be a happy ending.
Always remember, your pillow will always be there for you.


  1. i miss you..my lve my ove.. forever

  2. My First Love :
    I picked the pen in my hand and move back in my past.
    Sunsets gathers clouds to the horizons.
    But the sky Above
    is clear
    And cold
    The stars a songless scattering.
    The brimming moon’s a platter of white jade.
    It could not be more present :
    This night
    This place
    This lit up rim.
    But time’s already turning on its curve-
    Next year bright moon is hidden in its shade.
    You will Always love your First love .
    They will Always be in Your Heart.
    Always, Now that’s a promise of Always and Forever.
    No matter how badly they hurt you .
    No matter how much pain and tears they put you through.
    You will always love them
    If you donot care for them
    It means they were not your first love.
    Em not broken,alone,damaged and melancholic.
    I am tried of always being an option.
    I deserve to be someone’s first choice,not second best.
    Only my saying is that ‘’choose me or lose me”
    I am not a backup plan and definitely not a second choice.
    My first love gave me hope,love ,care and true respect and developed trust within my personality that maintain my dignity
    And give power to my pure soul and pure heart.


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