Hope for baby girl set to lose her arms and legs to meningitis after supporters raise £20,000 in just two WEEKS for prosthetic limbs
Freya Hall and Ross Allen, from Bath, Somerset, have raised half of the £40,000 pledged two weeks ago to help their daughter Harmonie (pictured left and right before she suffered from meningitis). A planned 5km fun run in aid of Harmonie was expected to attract just 20 people - but 350 have signed up for it. The money will go towards prosthetic limbs, which will allow Harmonie to lead as normal a life as possible. She will need two pairs of prosthetics, as well as home modifications and specialised equipment. Her aunt, Hannah Hall, said the money will 'give Harmonie the life that all children deserve'. She added: 'One day, we will all observe Harmonie take those first long awaited steps on prosthetic legs. This is an amazing achievement.'