Get a better job in Dubai (Make your CV stand out and climb the Dubai job ladder in 2014

Dubai has long been recognised as a great place to get on the career ladder, presenting opportunities that many people may not have access to in other major cities. And this year in particular looks set to be full of prospects for anyone looking to get a foot in the door, move up or even decide it’s time to follow their dreams in another direction. More than two thirds of companies plan to hire new staff in 2013, according to a survey by Middle Eastern job site, with these figures described by a spokesperson for the site as ‘a clear improvement’ and a ‘positive sign for the UAE’s economy’.
So why is now the time to start putting plans into action? ‘There is a breadth of opportunity across the board,’ explains Sue Brett, strategic development director at Eton Institute. ‘Companies are going back out into the marketplace and pulling in more resources. Compared with other countries, there is greater opportunity in Dubai for people to apply their core skills in different areas and industries.’

Career coaching
Nicola Tanner offers expert guidance and a career programme for teens called FutureSurfing.
Authenticity Coaching & Consultancy, Al Barsha, (04 399 0008).
Personal development
Spearhead Training runs courses in body language, assertiveness, stress management, leadership and more.
Oud Metha, (04 336 2552).
Job vacancies
Reliable sites listing career opportunities in the UAE and


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